Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sample Birth Announcement

I'm not actually making their announcement but I used them as a sample so I can create templates for Natnat's...I'll try if I can make it instead of ordering...They cost a little bit and I'm really crunching our moolas especially now that the economy is yucky...I have plenty of photo papers that I bought loooong time ago might as well use them...For now, I have three...I have more ideas but I'm tired eyes are hurting staring at the palettes of colors and Daddy Uls is home and he's hungry...I hope the beef has defrosted by now so I can make 'nilagang baka' for dinner...(i'm so glad he's not craving for burgers otherwise, i'm doomed again, i mean my weight :P) what you guys think? Ideas are welcome :)
tatta for now...


  1. i actually like the first one but i like how the pictures are layed out in the third one! maybe different fonts for the info on the birth though??

  2. i want nilagang baka!!! well, actually, maybe not. i gave up beef for lent. lol. and white rice. i'm going on 2 days with just brown rice. it's been good so far.

    i like the first one. you know me. minimal is better. if you make it brighter with different colors, maybe i'll go for it. nyehehehe

  3. good for you..i haven't given up anything yet except *sweets* - well trying to, sometimes you can't help with the cravings you know...God forgive me but I can't fast right now :/ well...actually i'll be having my 3 hour gluc test anytime when i feel like it and that means no breakfast for me just liquid for the next 3 hours...i was supposed to go today but I'm puyat cuz ur kuya was tossing and turning last night til wee hours why? cuz he freakin drank coffee before bedtime-such a he's pissed cuz he's sleepless ..argh!

    anyway, yeah me too i like the first one...less is better...i kn ow you love colors oh! not just colors but REALLY REALLY BRIGHT COLORS! hehehe...


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